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​Lincoln, K. D. (2012, June). Mental Health Disparities in Context. Summer Training Workshop on African American Aging Research. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan.


Lincoln, K. D. (2011, October 12). Race, Socioeconomic Position and Comorbid Depression and Obesity: Is There an Obesity-Depression Paradox? Emotional Health & Wellness Conference, Loma Linda University.​​


Lincoln, K. D., Lloyd, D., & Ray, D. (April, 2011). Profiles of psychological distress among middle-aged and older adults: Findings from the National Survey of American Life. Presented at the "What's Hot in Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives" conference, Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.​​


Lincoln, K. D. (2010, April). Mental Health Disparities: More Questions than Answers. Presented at the 8th Annual Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) Research Conference, Health Disparities: A Global Challenge, a Local Response, Phoenix, AZ.​​


Lincoln, K. D., & Chae, D. H. (2010, March). Stress, Marital Satisfaction, and Psychological Distress Among African Americans. Presented at the Social Determinants of Health: A Discussion of the Relationship between Marriage and Health Outcomes in African American Communities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.​​


Lincoln, K. D., & Chae, D. H. (2009, June). Stress, Marital Satisfaction, and Psychological Distress Among African Americans. Presented at the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) African American Healthy Marriage Initiative (AAHMI), Connecting Marriage Research to Practice Conference: The Black Family in the 21st Century, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Social Work.​​


Lincoln, K. D., & Chae, D. H. (2009, February). Stress, Marital Satisfaction, and Psychological Distress Among African Americans. Presented at the Third National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services.


Chae, D. H., Lincoln, K. D., Syme, S. L., & Adler N. E. (2008, October). Do experiences of racial discrimination predict cardiovascular diseases among African American men? The moderating role of racial group attitudes. Presented at the University of California, San Francisco, 2nd Annual Health Disparities Research Symposium, San Francisco, CA.


Lincoln, K.D., & Chae, D.H. (2008, June). Social Support, Negative Interaction, and Depression Among Black Americans. Presented at the 2008 Summer Workshop on African American Aging Research. Ann Arbor, MI.


Lincoln, K. D. (2007, September). Church-based Negative Interaction. Presented at the Conference and Festschrift for Dr. Vern Bengtson: "From Generation to Generation: Continuity and Change in Aging Families," University of Southern California.​​


Lincoln, K. D. (2006, April). Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms: The Role of Race and Socioeconomic Status. Presented at the Robert Wood Johnson, Clinical Scholars Program. University of Washington.


Lincoln, K. D. (2006, January). Strategic Planning: Preparing for the Job Market During Graduate School. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, Tenth Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas.


Lincoln, K. D. Race Differences in Social Relations and Depression Among Older Adults: What Do the Data Tell Us? (2004, October). Presentation for the Hartford Faculty Scholars Program, Leadership Institute, Washington, DC.


Lincoln, K. D. (2004, September). Mayor's Council on African Americans Elders: Advisors, Advocates, Educators. Presented for Mayor Greg Nichols, Seattle, WA.


Lincoln, K. D. (2004, May). African American Elders Project. The Mayor's Council on African American Elders. Presented for the Honorable Mayor Greg Nichols.


Lincoln, K. D. (2004, May). African American Elders Project. The Mayor's Council on African American Elders. Presented at the Mayor's Council on African American Elders (MCAAE).


Lincoln, K. D. (2004, March). Faith in Action: A Plan for Community Outreach. Presented at Emerald City Community Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Seattle, WA.


Lincoln, K. D. (2004, March). Faith in Action: A Plan for Community Outreach. Presented at Emerald City Community Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Seattle, WA.


Lincoln, K. D. Race Differences in Social Relations and Depression among Older Adults. (2003, October). Presentation for the Hartford Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholars Program Institute.


Lincoln, K. D. (2003, November). Financial Strain, Negative Interactions, Mastery and Depression among Older Black and White Adults. Presented at Loma Linda University, Department of Social Work.

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